Saturday, November 29, 2008

What has happened to America?

Well, here I am riding in the car just looking out the window at all the billboards and next thing I know I am looking sraight at a billboard reading " Who Can I Sue . com" an I was just disgusted. I mean, has America gotten to lazy to go get a job and EARN their money??? I mean I would much rather say that all the money in my piggy bank is money that I earned than say that the money In my piggy bank is money I took from somebody because I was to fat and lazy to earn it myself. And thats another thing, What is with all the obesity? I mean come on. Why are over 65% of american adults over weight. People in other countries can't even fathom that while the poor poeple in their country are starving to the point of death the poor people in America are OBESE, they are FAT. We are a country of lazy people. And I quite frankly and losing respect for America.


Sabrina said...

Simmer down there Bees Knees! I'm TRYING TO LOSE THE WEIGHT!!! Get off my back!

Caty Bee said...

No, ur not fat

Hanna said...

Nice save, Caty. Just kidding. LUV YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. i went on there and i am now sueing you for every pair of converse you own. and your ipod. hahaha just kidding.

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