Wednesday, December 3, 2008

A very true statement

I was listining to a song the other day ( "strong" by TI) and I realized it, what he was saying ways very true. He was saying that what dosent kill me only makes me stronger. So next time you are having trouble with something or arent doing so well in a class, just remember, What doesnt kill me only makes me stronger.


Rae said...

Thank for the coment I love your blog and the name of your blog sorry about not leaveing a coment before I followed your blog leave a coment when u get this coment

Hanna said...

oh my, Caty Bee! YOur blog is so funny. You need a new post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)
P.S. The comment thingy is making me type "glyret" so that i can prove i am not some computer spam master. lol :)

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